Gitlin’s Fakebook inside the Facebook

What to do about a global info-and-disinfo pipeline, and who can do it? BY TODD GITLIN | NOVEMBER 7, 2017 --First published here: The Fakebook Inside Facebook Mark Zuckerberg's...

Shore’s Ku Klux Klowns

Zachary SHORE'S "The best way to fight white supremacists: Parody" was first published here- Are so-called alt-right protesters coming to your town? Here’s the...

Coming Out Loud – A Trump Song

We've got ourselves a president A tiny fingered resident He says the people picked him, but I say he had some help He says he’s got the vision...

Gitlin Introduces Bob Massie. Can Massie Make Massachusetts Great?

First published here - - BY TODD GITLIN | MAY 19, 2017  The first time I heard Bob Massie’s forceful voice, it rang out unceremoniously, filling...

Gitlin’s Outrage over Media Climate Coverage

First published here - CNN and Fox News Use the Same Climate Change Denier to Talk Science It seems to be a media rule: If you’re...

Gitlin on Trump’s War – A Sport and a Pastime

First published WAR IS THE BLOOD SPORT of television. Devastation on the ground—someplace the viewer doesn’t live but where other human beings do, and gasp,...

Gitlin’s Bannon

First published - Bannon Bounced Chaos is the new normal at the White House. BY TODD GITLIN | APRIL 6, 2017 Bannon Bounced Steve Bannon, chief strategist for President...

Gitlin’s Punches

First published here  - The ‘Times’ Still Pulls Its Punches Why is the leadership of the “opposition party” still mincing words? BY TODD GITLIN | MARCH 28,...

Todd Gitlin’s Gibberish in the White House

Gibberish Is the White House’s New Normal  - The bad art of the non sequitur. Once upon a time, there were presidents for whom English seemed...

Todd Gitlin’s Management of Unleashed Insanity

The Management of Unleashed Insanity Trump perfects the role of Propagandist-in-Chief. BY TODD GITLIN | MARCH 16, 2017 The Management of Unleashed Insanity President Richard Nixon during a...

Who’s Trumping Democracy? The Weakling Democrats

Yesterday, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) chose to continue the failed Clinton strategy of prioritizing wealthy donors over the activist base. In Atlanta, Democrats  chose Tom...

Our So-Called President Has No Checks Nor Balance. Only Bannon

On January 27, 2017, our so-called president Trump (#so-called #president) signed an executive order temporarily banning immigrants and refugees from seven majority Muslim countries, where apparently he...

Sleepless in Trumptopia

Haris Durrani is a remarkable young man who recently felt that he needed to stand up and speak up. TPV has always bemoaned stupidity and...

KYT- Race, Class and the 2016 Presidential Election – Fighting the Clinton Machine

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is a writer, public speaker and activist living in Philadelphia. She writes on Black politics, housing inequality and issues of race and...

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