Because TPV Knows Best

TPV is a Michelle fan and by mistake TPV received an instagram report about the First Lady. Whether intentional or not, TPV received it...

Children, Let’s All Go with SYRIZA this Christmas!

It’s Christmas time so, if you follow European politics, it’s Greece time. Greece invented the republic as a form of governing communities, and a...

De Blasio Picks State Official to Lead City Children’s Agency

Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio named a top state social services official to serve as his child welfare commissioner, because she is a mother. Gladys...

Pro War YouTube Videos Tailor-Made and Easy to Forward

While our European allies are bent on awaiting a U.N. report about a chemical attack they acknowledge strongly points to the Assad government, the...

The New York Times Recycles Three Month-Old News. TPV Reacts

Nothing reveals a great journal better than the quality of its breaking news reporting. Or just its reporting. By the same token nothing defines...

Inexplicable Daily Events: The Japanese Care. Congress Lunches on Wheat

We may not think that the Japanese are our keepers, but they are, and may the power remain with them. In 2004, the United States...

If You Feel like Saying No Today, Say It to the Koch Brothers

The great struggle of our time is to prevent the United States from becoming an oligarchic form of society in which the economic and...

TPV Disagrees with Joe Nocera

NYTimes' Joe Nocera would call our readers “boneheaded" - TPV disagrees. To submit comments on the Keystone pipeline to the U.S. State Department please visit...

Chag Sameach: Wishing You a Happy Passover

The White House emailed us the letter below, and with gratitude we wish the TPV intern friend Chag Sameach, too.  The belated answer was...

Obama the Loyalist

Obama is getting ready for departure, though he just started his second term. He is standing by Lady Hillary who may bring us Gov...

Guantanamo on My Mind

There is nothing I like better than reading memoirs of converted commies who, just before pension saw the virtues of the system they once...

Who’s the Democrat?

We cannot be sure whether President Obama got sick of ThePotholeView calling him names or whether he just woke up and decided to get...

On Lust and Social Dilemmas: To Spit or to Swallow

Dominique Strauss Kahn, the would-have-been French Bill Clinton, was unluckily undone by his carnal lust before the French people had a chance to vote...

Practicing Charity and Helping Mitt Fall from Grace with Dignity

Unfairly, Mitt has been accused that he does not care about 47% of the American population. At a fundraiser, Mother Jones reports, Romney was...

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