Pretty Pretty Good

Bernie Sanders Walking the Line Between Personal Attacks and Political Critiques, by Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Simple Courtesy Section correspondent. Senator Bernie Sanders has said he...

The Three Rs: Progress, ‘Riting & ‘Rithmatic

Surprise: Florida and Texas Excel in Math and Reading Scores, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Dick and Jane and Spot and Puff Section correspondent. A new...

Got a Vagina, Sister?

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes You Go Girl Section correspondent, was trying on Halloween costumes when he read Cardiff University Rejects Bid to Bar Germaine Greer. Officials...

Imagine This, Bibi

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Mein Kampf Means I'm Sorry Section correspondent was eating a sandwich at Katz's Deli, when he read something so crazy he...

The Gospel of Francis and Trump

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Sharia, Maria, and Torah Section correspondent, found himself so lonely that he read both Pope Francis’ Plans for Inclusiveness Divide Bishops and Donald...

Naked Gun 7&1/2

Bans on Assault Weapons in New York and Connecticut Are Upheld, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Weapons of Mass Destruction Right On Your Hip Section...

The Doughnut Hole

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Pickled Herring Section correspondent, was eating a pizza when he read Something Not Rotten in Denmark. An example of a welfare state...

Where else? Preschool.

Marquel TPVs NYTimes Juice Box Section correspondent was thinking and sipping when he read NYTimes: Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at...

Eggs R Us

Marquel, the TPVs NYTimes Hard Boiled with Hollandaise correspondent was having brunch when he read that Egg Donors Challenge Pay Rates, Saying They Shortchange...

Living on Afghan Time. As If There’s No Tomorrow

In a reversal, Obama says U.S.soldiers Stay in Afghanistan to 2017. Lessons of Iraq Loom Over Obama’s Decision to Keep Troops in Afghanistan, read Marquel TPVs...

Times’ Best Bet to Forget Bernie

Bernie Sanders Is Briefly Trapped in Post-Debate Scrum, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Missing Persons Section correspondent. After the debate both Bernie and his wife Jane...

Fasting Habits

Anorexia May Be Habit, Not Willpower, Study Finds, and Marquel TPVs NYTimes Fatal Skinniness Section correspondent started eating. The findings may help explain the role...

Ready to Swallow This, GoldmanSachs?

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Banking and Depositing Section correspondent, obviously stopped drinking a while ago and given to bouts of boredom read Should We Bank...

The Piggy Bank

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Money, Money, Money, Section correspondent, was realizing how amazing must have been to by Louis XIV, when he stopped for a bathroom...

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