Home By Marquel Divided We Stand, Leaning to the Left

Divided We Stand, Leaning to the Left

Because of the Obergefell decision, approving “anything goes” in American marriages, Marquel has been missing for several days, not just from TPV but also from everything. It seems Marquel really believed anything goes and rode his Harley to the court clerk for a marriage license.

To his Harley. Marquel convinced the Clerk, also, that a Harley is a suitable spouse. In fact the clerk admitted he’d prefer a Harley to most alternatives. And this was a particularly attractive bike, a super restored Electro Glide.

It was an Italian wedding, rather conservative and orthodox. Once over the initial shock, the congregation agreed but only if both took the vows “super seriously.”
The problem arrived in the Queens Midtown Tunnel, when the rear tire blew out. There was some discussion that Marquel had abused his spouse by riding the bike out of the tunnel instead of walking it out. Then the divorce. It’s difficult to marry a Harley in church. It’s impossible to divorce.
The dispute became one over asserts and how they should be divided. Marquel wanted his leathers but there was agreement that they really went with the bike. Marquel asserted that the monthly payments go with the bike, but the bike couldn’t afford its payments. There were remarks that Marquel was like a slave owner forcing his slaves to buy their way out of bondage. So he assumed the payments. But that will only last as long as the Electro Glide is not seen riding with someone else.
And Marquel will be back here at TPV tomorrow. newly single.
By MARQUEL: Divided We Stand, Leaning to the Left



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