Home Dana Neacsu Inexplicable Daily Events: Why Pay for Barbie When You Can Pay For...

Inexplicable Daily Events: Why Pay for Barbie When You Can Pay For a Slightly Improved Version of Yourself. All Plastic

limageAs ParisMatch announces

“The American Dream Is Dead: Average is beautiful”

TPV launches an investigation under the banner “How much money do women spend on becoming ugly-ish?”


So, who would buy dolls to mirror our young friends and family and teach us a lesson none wants to face: ugly-ish will never bring to mind beauty, as failure will never bring to mind success.

There is one such person: Pittsburgh native Nickolay Lamm, who created Lammily, a female copy of himself, a doll, which is shorter, broader and has a thicker neck than the traditional Barbie, but who like Lamm himself, struts in sporty clothes to promote fitness. Unfortunately, fitness rarely brings us happiness because it does not bring beauty. Beauty is something few have and, like intelligence, America is trying to annihilate instead of promoting — though both are healthier to strive for than money.

As for TPV?  We remain politically incorrect and we will continue to watch Barbie movies and give children Barbie dolls as presents, because presents are supposed to bring one fleeting happiness, and an average ugly-ish doll cannot, unless you’re somewhat twisted, and that twist TPV does not promote.

So, here is from TPV to you and to Barbie!


  1. And speaking of beautiful names: Lammily, sure, she can stand up on her own without falling over forward, but otherwise…

    At the risk of sounding dirtier than I am most children are beautiful, we don’t get ugly, I mean “athletically built and statistically average” until we’re older, and Barbie isn’t for grown-us, so what are beautiful little girls going to play with, GI Joe?


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