Home Dana Neacsu Rutgers Discovers the Power of Principled-Conviction

Rutgers Discovers the Power of Principled-Conviction

It’s that time of the year when colleges have to put on a show for the parents who spent oodles of money so their children stay away from mass unemployment for four more years: It’s the Commencement Show. But, as one of my alma-maters has discovered, picking a commencement speaker just because she benefited from affirmative action while choosing to become a darling of the  warmonger’s wing of the Republican party was not enough.

Rutgers University recently found that out with its ill-fated invitation to a former U.S. secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, whose selection sparked more than two months of criticism on the campus over her role in the Iraq War during the George W. Bush administration.

Former personal pianist to Bush-Fils, Condoleezza Rice, also Secretary of War under the same US president, was forced to back out of the engagement after two months of faculty and students protests over her selection.

I’m proud of my alma mater’s faculty, staff and students who protested, while baffled by the administration’s tin year: Bush-Fils brought us to the brink of disaster by going to interminable wars instead of investing that money in education, and we are still on our knees with the worst public education in the civilized world, or at least in the free-of-wars world. So, did the Rutgers administration really thought they could sell this highly privileged black woman to the masses of future unemployed black, Latina and white women who graduate from Rutgers?

Really Rutgers?


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