Home Dana Neacsu The Killing Accuracy

The Killing Accuracy

After misidentifying the CT Newtown gunman, and leaking to the other media that both his brother and his father were dead or at least involved in the massacre, Newtown officials got it straight and let us know that the gunman acted alone save for the maternal help he received with the guns:

they belonged to his mother whom the younger son killed by shooting her in the face perhaps between her eyes– so she could identify both the killer and the gun used.

To the un-American reader, the above recount may sound horrific. To the American reader it is just part of life. Or, as the First Official of CT put it:

“Evil visited this community today,” Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy said Friday evening. “We are all in this together.”

So, dear un-American reader, as you see, we are all in it and because this is the result of evil, and evil visits us like Santa Claus, expect such story periodically. Okay, it is to not just Malloy’s evil. The media pointed out that an additional cause might have been the gunman’s possible mental disorder associated with his high school high grades and his wealthy upbringing in a CT gated community.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that the other media identified the suspect’s maternal grandmother, and gave the 78-year old woman a phone call to see how she was holding under all this media attention. Mazal Tov! Such great investigative reporting is only possible when you have the other media’s money and dedication to truth!


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