Home By Marquel Pothole scoops the uncivilized world with Mohammed cartoon contest winner!

Pothole scoops the uncivilized world with Mohammed cartoon contest winner!

Mohammed contest First Prize
Mohammed contest First Prize
Mohammed contest First Prize

Pamela Geller, Organizer of Muhammad Cartoon Contest, Trumpets Results, Marquel TPVs NYTimes Musicians Section correspondent, read in disbelief. Marquel gazed at the winning entry. It was good. Damned good. He called his editor.

“We’ve got to publish this picture of Muhammad. It’s superlative and a real work of art. Whoever drew this is not an artist. He’s an artiste!” Said Marquel.
“But it’s of Mohammed. We’ll get bombed.” She said.
“First of all can you think of a better reason to get bombed?” Asked Marquel. “Plus we have no location. We’re located on the internet. Can you imagine the headlines? ‘Internet site bombed by jihadists. URL destroyed.’ “
“Yes but look at it. It’s disgusting. What’s he doing to that dog?” She asked.
“He’s having anal intercourse with it. That’s the most insulting comparison in Islam. A dog. Plus look closer. He’s giving hand jobs to two female monkeys and blowing a US Army Ranger. This is super.” Said Marquel, dancing around the cloud.
“But what’s that in the background? It looks like a chorus line.” She said.
“You’re good. Very perceptive. Those are seventeen virgins. They’re all masturbating with little models of Mohammed.” He said.
“I don’t like it.” She said.
“It’s a scoop. A real scoop.” He said.
She looked more interested. “What’s this tail?” She asked.
“Very good,” I said. “Most people miss that.”
“And this? A flute, a guitar, A piano?” She asked.
“Excellent. Most miss that. It’s ironically called ” the musicians. ” But Mohammed is unmistakable. And without being too crude he’s obviously enjoying himself.”
“It looks like the Ranger did too. A scoop huh?” She asked.
“Yup. Nobody else will dare.” I said.
“You better call Hyman. We may need legal advice.  Do you have copyright clearance?” She asked
“He already said not to worry about it. People don’t sue dead people, he said, and further he thinks pornography and defamation are not copyrightable.” I said.
“You think he made that up?” She asked.
“Probably. But what he said about fair use made more sense.” I said.
“Okay we’ll go with it.” She said. “Who are you calling now?” She asked.
“Murray, our insurance agent. Free speech costs.” I explained.


  1. I understand this is not very important. It is cartoons. But try to say something that irritates someone else and you are bombarded with words such as bigot or worse

  2. Exactly. Words!!! No one kills you if you use a term that is not P.C. They may marginalize you if you deserve it or not, but killing? That is absurd. It’s cartoons. Children draw cartoons


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