Home Dana Neacsu TheTrumpHole


#ThePotholeView has found its match, #TheTrumpHole. But,

  1. while both TPV and TTH can look vacuous, only one is truly empty-headed.
  2. while both #TPV & #TTH are outrageous, only one is truly screaming nonsense.
  3. while both TPV and TTH are colorful, only one is bad taste fluff.
  4. and of course only TheTrumpHole is not racist. Here is the most recent statement from the Donald itself.
– DECEMBER 07, 2015 –

(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, — I, Donald J. Trump, the husband of Melania and former husband of many others, am calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until I finish my speech.

According to FoxTV there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Even a poll from a different center than those housed by the #Trump #Towers released data showing

“25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.”

I asked Melania if she would like to be governed by Shariah, and she thought I meant our pool cleaner. She said yes before she could control her daydreaming. I thank God our pool cleaner is Latino, otherwise…

But no matter what Melania does with the pool boy I cannot entertain hatred toward her or the pool boy. Who would? Hatred is beyond my comprehension. Which brings me to hatred in general. Rich people do not hate. We buy what we need. So, if you ask me, I know where this hatred comes from. The Muslims have not invented hatred. With the exception of our friends the Saudis, most Muslims are poor, and we cannot keep them poor and hatred-free. That is the problem.   If I win the election for President, I am going to Make America Great Again by adding Saudi Arabia to the United States so I can keep a close eye on its money. And when that happens, Muslims, or at least the Royal Family will be welcome again.” – Donald J. Trump


By DANA NEACSU: TheTrumpHole


  1. Along with everything else, the guy’s got half the alphabet covered (from A-hole to T-hole…)


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