Home Highlights Morsi Calls Trial in Egypt ‘Illegitimate,’ and Case Is Delayed

Morsi Calls Trial in Egypt ‘Illegitimate,’ and Case Is Delayed

The deposed Egyptian president, Morsi, much like the former Romanian president Ceausescu, called his trial for murder ‘illegitimate.’ Unlike the Romanians, the Egyptians delayed the case.

The trial, on charges of inciting the murder of protesters, is based on the “paltry” number of deaths, in the tenths of thousands, according to the prosecutors.

The number of deaths makes this trial entirely legitimate,” continued one prosecutor, “based on simple murder. Had he killed hundreds of thousands of his countrymen, that would have made him a typical Arab dictator. And that is not a crime.

In his defense, Morsi said

I didn’t have enough time to do any better.

 The trial has been postponed, said the judges, “to give him more time and a reasonable chance.”

[youtube id= neuSY11JQs8 width= 470 height=315]

A local businessman, smoking his hookah, skeptically added,

without chemical arms like our brother Assad, he simply can’t and won’t be able to do it. Let’s face it. As a dictator he’s just bleh.

For the accurate NY Times reporting, go to http://nyti.ms/19t4rsA.


  1. Liked this too:

    In his defense, Morsi said I didn’t have enough time to do any better.
    The trial has been postponed, said the judges, “to give him more time and a reasonable chance.”

    Which made me think of what I really came looking for, though I guess you can’t really improve on the original from Mayor Ford (I kept thinking, Canada, you’re stealing our fire, this story sounds so American – without noticing, the name (Ford)

    Anyway, how do you satirize: Yes, OK, I smoked crack but didn’t you see the tape, I was clearly in one of my regular drunken stupors.


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