TheWeekholeView Travels Abroad
TPV is no Mark Twain, but the Trumps are all the Innocents Abroad could have been and more. Where Twain chronicles the first American...
TheWeekholeView Fakes Frustration
Though signs are coming about an imminent change in our power structure, the democratic process is tedious and often frustrating. Trump himself, the guy...
TheWeekholeView on Harassment
For the last nine months our world has known one big, unstoppable harassment caused by Trump. Here are other noted examples of how banal...
The WeekholeView on the Petty and the Paltry United States of America
Life is a rollercoaster, unless we are talking about Trump's life. And his is pure screaming. Because no one seems intent in discarding the old fool....
TheWeekholeView on Credit
Life is a rollercoaster, and life in the U.S.A. is a SixFlags rollercoaster with Trump in the front seat doing all the screaming. TPV...
TheWeekholeViews on Trumplandia
Sometimes life is slow. TPV is pure life and the last few weeks have proven tedious.
Hard to keep up with Charlottesville, Harvey, and Trump.
TheWeekholeView: Trump’s BattyMan v. Kim’s BadMan
As swift as Alice fell into Wonderland, the world tumbled down in Trumpland, a strange and lonely place where entertainment is the only king. So, here...
Trump’s Wall @TheWeekholeView
As Europe is being hit by a heat wave and America by August dread, here's what fell through TPV's whole and Trump's wall.
On Monday,...
TheWeeholeView Gets a Smooch and a Makeover
Here at TPV smooches and mooches come rarely, so here are those which filled our week hole over the past days.
On Monday, July 17,...
TheWeekholeView: Trump’s a Punk though Not Daft
This past week, TPV had much to handle, and here is what fell through the hole:
On Monday, July 10, with his father on a...
TheWeekholeView’s Quiet Desperation: Mummy Hill’s Back
As TPV is trying its best to survive Trumpland, Hill makes it even harder. Bill must have asked her to give him a few...
TheWeekholeView knocked out CNN. FAKE NEWS
On Monday, June 26, four-time Grammy Award winner Annie Lennox reported she had been scouted by a Los Angeles radio station that thought she had...
TheWeekholeView Trudges in the Moron-in-Chief’s Path, Trying to Make Sense of the Ruins
TheWeekholeView trudges in the Moron-in-Chief's path, trying to make sense of the ruins of the Republic. Here's what happened during the past seven days,...
TheWeekholeView, Melania, and the El Presidente’s Little Fingers
Sunday, June 11, Melania decided to give up her affair with Tiffany's Guardian Jeweler, as the rumor went, and moved into an adjacent bedroom...