Home Dana Neacsu Will Iraq Join the Union? Which State Would It Emulate?

Will Iraq Join the Union? Which State Would It Emulate?

Image 21President Barack Obama isn’t ruling out any potential responses to escalating violence in Iraq.

We have been monitoring the situation on the ground there, he said Thursday in the shortest press conference ever.

On Friday he stopped by the New York Times‘ headquarters and added:

“What we’ve seen over the last couple of days indicates Iraq’s going to need more help.

The President then went to Carnegie Deli for one of its famous pastrami sandwiches, and when he finished he asked for a bowl of borscht. When the President was done with the borscht he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and told the waiter:

“I don’t rule out anything,” he said. “I won’t be surprised if Iraq will soon become a second New Jersey.

When the waiter told the President that most New York City waiters do live in New Jersey, the President added:

“We do have a stake in making sure that these jihadists are not getting a permanent foothold in either Iraq or Syria for that matter,” and then Obama added. “And good working people like you who have no healthcare and no benefits to talk about need a permanent foothold, too.”

Finally, the President stopped talking, and took a bathroom break.



  1. Agree. That’s great news, they’ve got good Indian food in NJ, and cheap. And let me be the first to nominate South Side Johnny and the Asbury Jukes as their official, national Bruce Springsteen – I’ve heard it was always tough for those guys to be a NJ band in the time of the boss – they’ve paid the cost to have their own country.

    One question, how are they going to get it over here – all that sand has to be heavy? And not to be all NIMBY, but where are they going to put it?

  2. The only think dumber than invading Iraq is invading it again!

    Please say you’re not that dumb Mr. President!

    President Barack Obama will deliver a statement on the situation in Iraq from the South Lawn of the White House at 11:50 a.m. ET.


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