Home By Marquel TPV’s Times’ Correspondent Weighs in on John Kerry’s Accomplishments as the Secretary...

TPV’s Times’ Correspondent Weighs in on John Kerry’s Accomplishments as the Secretary of State.

The secretary of state has rolled up more tangible accomplishments in less than a year than his celebrated predecessor, Hillary Rodham Clinton, did in four. But none of them are enough to get Bill’s endorsement.

“You know,” former president Clinton said, “I’m a man of principle. If I thought John Kerry would make a better president than Hill, I’d switch. But Kerry just doesn’t do what Hill does for me.”

At a closed door session between Bill and Kerry, the two had serious talks about, according to Kerry, “what I’d have to do that Hillary does.” The meeting ended early. When Kerry exited, he was shaking his head and heard repeating several times,

“A water buffalo? A water buffalo? With a water buffalo?” Making no comments, except for shaking his head, he entered a limo which sped off.

Clinton, however, stopped for reporters, and said the meeting was “productive. I have high hopes for the future.”

TPVs Times correspondent asked if he would really endorse Kerry over his own wife.

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time, although these circumstances are unique of course. I’ll tell you it’s all about principle.

We asked:

What principle is that?

Clinton got into his limo, turned to us and said,

Triangulation. It’s all about triangulation.

He smiled.

For the version without the smile, go to http://nyti.ms/ILhVWj.

For Bill’s smile see below:

[youtube id=hU3CYs77Ku4 width= 470 height=315]



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