Today’s news of the moment is “Kathie Lee Gifford Drops A Puppy on Its Head.” Popular new media outlets such as The Huffington Post and Gawker consecrated time and space to the event. We trust them to bestow the same attention on tonight’s vice-presidential debate.
TPV does not have pets but we love them as well. So, when we came across a Marianne article announcing the opening of the D. Pet Hotel in Chelsea, under the headline “A New York le chien ne connait pas la crise/ New York Dogs Unaffected by the Economic Crisis,” we searched the Internet through Google for the amazing news. We discovered that the French TV proved more accurate than ours, FoxTV being the only outlet to mention the hotel’s opening. The new media outlets mentioned above did not bother with the story, whether in the absurdist manner favored by FoxTV or the ironic manner favored by Marianne.
The moral of this story? Puppies make good pets and TPV’s sense and sensibility remain unique in its crowded field.
Why couldn’t I think of things like this? Ok, you’re doing it for me, though I do not like puppies.