Home By Marquel Hillary Comes with Proper Instructions

Hillary Comes with Proper Instructions

Hillary Clinton to Show More Humor and Heart, Aides Say, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Good Cheer Section correspondent. And then he fell asleep.

Staff members say the noise and distractions of modern campaigning have obscured these sides of Mrs. Clinton’s personality. But many people who actually know her, thought Marquel, think of her as a cold fish.

Could Hillary turn into Bubba overnight?

Apparently, with the proper instructions she can do almost anything.

“She just needs a good handler,” one of her aides told me. Sure enough, after receiving a memo from her handler to apologize for the emails, she was on tv ten minutes later apologizing for the private email server. “It was my responsibility,” she admitted. I checked her memos, and there it was, “Say ‘it was my responsibility.'”

If nothing else, Hillary is obedient. When her corporate funders ask her to do something, It’s clear they’ll get it. She’s the ideal pet. It makes you wonder what Bill found lacking. Maybe he didn’t use memos. She needs them because she forgets.

For instance in her last run for the presidency Hillary never apologized for voting in favor of the Iraq war, but she continually forgot she had anything to do with that war.

But with funny if well written memos, they’ve convinced Hillary to say that campaign finance reform is on her agenda.

“That’s a first,” her aide told me.

 But can they tell her to be sweet and will she be able to comply?
In an effort to give her humour, they’re giving her a joke per day to tell. It was quite a challenge to find jokes that fit her personality and that yet would be funny.
Her advisers told me that they found the best source was, “Old Jews Telling Jokes.” She even started to tell the Aristocrats, but that was deemed too risky, even though she had changed the punch line to, “we call ourselves the Clintons!”

But as for the “heart” they want Hillary to develop, they’re having some problem. She’s agreed to kiss more babies.

“Hell even Hitler did that,” she was heard to comment. But when they asked her to cuddle up to Chelsea, it didn’t seem real. They cuddled for a full ten minutes and Hillary didn’t actually look at Chelsea once. For her part, Chelsea seemed a bit uncomfortable. “What’s come over you, Mother?” Was all she said.

But when it comes to Bill it’s doubtful we’ll see any chuckles or smiles. According to the aide, she said,

“I’m going to have his balls cut off when I’m president. He’s going to suffer for every humiliation he’s put me through. I’m going to smoke a cigar a day, you know where, and Bill’s going to swallow it whole. I’m going to issue an executive order declaring Bill a national peril and have the corps of engineers build a fence around him. I can’t wait to be elected!”

When it comes to heart, it seems it’s all about Bill, and it’s more vengeance than heart. That’s politics, I suppose, but it’s good to have a new Hillary.


By MARQUEL: Hillary Comes with Proper Instructions 


  1. Hillary will be the candidate who cost us billions to put together. Years later will find out she was a humanoid. The first robot in history.


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