Home Dana Neacsu Revisiting the Wikipedia Entry for Burning at the Stake

Revisiting the Wikipedia Entry for Burning at the Stake

2014-07-05-22-14-22--754065968Until very recently, Jeanne d’Arc, a remarkable peasant from north-east France, was the most famous person burnt at the stake. Of course, there are a few other ladies from Salem or so I heard, but they all seem to date from a long time ago, too, a time when being civilized required a few human bonfires.

The year was 1431. Joan was 19.

Moving forward. The year is 2014 and we need to amend the Wikipedia entry for burnt at the steak. Some brutal people from a country TPV much loves had been given government money, probably American money, too, to  live on occupied land and become idle killers. Those brutal people kidnapped a young man, three years younger than Joan, Mohammed Abou Khdeir, and had him burnt at the stake.

Both Jeanne d’Arc and Mohammed Abu Khdeir were killed by religious monsters. The only remarkable difference is the year.

1431 vs. 2014.




  1. Nice pothole. For the record, I was afraid of everything even before I was a teenager: death and the death penalty, the draft, nuclear war, and having to someday get a job which would leave me with no time to do anything.

    So far there hasn’t been a nuclear war and I think I’m too old for any possible draft – I was surely stupid (all these years of worrying and I’m still alive) but I don’t think I was wrong. 


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