Home Dana Neacsu Net Neutrality for Dummies

Net Neutrality for Dummies

fccNet Neutrality is the new “Occupy Wall Street” short-lived movement of the day:  few understand or care about, in part because it has no leader. Both Al Franken and Bernie Sanders are two US Senators who are making Net Neutrality their little pet project, but people do not take them seriously, not that our citizenry takes seriously any US Senator.

So, what’s going to happen to Internet content providers like TPV? Not too much. Like now, we will continue to depend on Google to promote us. Like now we will need to promote ourselves via Twitter and Facebook, or otherwise.

But, if you have the desire to pretend that you matter, you can try to follow this guy’s advice and go to fcc.gov/comments and try to say something, again, as if your voice mattered. Unfortunately, it ain’t.

FCC1TPV’s tried for you, and you see how much impact our effort has made!


POLITICAL MORES: Net Neutrality for Dummies




  1. True what you say – I used to take Al Franken a lot more seriously.

    A writer / actor on Saturday Night Live and author of the seminal: Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot; and other observations, to Air America and now, the US Senate – how the mighty have fallen.

  2. Meanwhile, the FCC is killing with its funny content – but hardly a chuckle for its regurgalatory dysfunction.


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