Home Dana Neacsu All President’s Women and Ol’ Times’ Man

All President’s Women and Ol’ Times’ Man

Here comes Samantha. Sam, to her husband, Cass Sunstein, an American law professor. Sam covered the Balkan wars and learned that for each crime there is punishment. Undeterred by Dostoyevsky, she likes simple things and she is willing to get her way, now that she is a UN Ambassador, representing both her husband and her husband’s good friend, Mr. Obama. Sam wants war with and in Syria.

Tough woman, isn’t she? [youtube id= drP-ZFesnLo width= 470 height=315] Like all Obama’s women she reminds me of that art movement which was seeking art for art’s sake (“L’art pour l’art”); only these women, Rice, Power, Clinton, etc., all they want is war for war’s sake. Hopefully, they will fail and learn something from the Russians. The Russian writers: Lev, too.

And, here comes the Times’ man: Bill de Blasio. Today, the Times calls him a young leftist and a young idealist. I did not understand the tone of the article, entitled “A Mayoral Hopeful,” when in NYC it should read “The Next Mayor,” because this is a democratic city, of course, until a billionaire buys our votes…

Is the tone of today’s Times article defamatory, revealing, or, perhaps, why not … fair? I cannot forget that de Blasio was not the Times’ choice for the city’s democratic mayor: its choice was the candidate who won the third place in the democratic nomination race.

So, what’s up Times? Are you trying to see if the country is ready for a man who was once young? Or for a man who was once a young idealist and believed that economic inequality was not a human right of the rich?

Don’t know. But these surely are interesting times when women find bullying endearing and men stay accused of caring.


  1. Question: He had a beard and now that he’s running for mayor, he doesn’t, do we have proof Bill’s an American?

  2. Nicely done & tied together at the end I also particularly liked “… a man who was once young.”

  3. I saw the photo and liked it — i still remember Pakula’s poster (confession: In the NYT I read only the pictures, Playboy for articles)

  4. Once The NY Times reports on Bill’s Americanism, TPV will react. Until then, don’t know.


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