Here, each hole starts on Wednesdays and this is what fell through this past week, in more than one way or day:
On Wednesday, April 30 North Carolina was getting ready for its Republican primary, only a week ahead, when NC Republicans would choose their best bet to unseat endangered Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan this November. The main players were:
- an OBGYN who hates women and what comes out of their lower front parts.
- a Babtist pastor who only loves families. Or family men,
- and the GOP darling, the former computer IBM salesperson, the chairman of the NC Chamber of Commerce.
Their names are not as important as their beliefs. We will call the first one the Abortionist-Not. The second one The Pastor, and the third one the Reader, because he reads instructions very well.
On Thursday, May 1, North Carolina celebrated Law Day and the Republican contenders made speeches about incarcerating the opponents’ supporters.
Friday, May 2, the Abortionist-Not and the Pastor took the day off campaigning for lack of money and enthusiasm.
- TPV believes that they do not really care about abortion rights and gay marriage as much as they need to pretend to care so they have a political career.
On Saturday, May 3, the Reader received a few more endorsements, in addition to Karl Rove‘s and Mitt Romney‘s: the NRA presented its gun salute.
On Sunday, May 4, everybody went to a church. There are many to choose from and they are always full on Sundays. The prayers concentrated on stuff which is not part of the GOP agenda such as unemployment, mass incarceration, bad public education – mostly guardianship while parents work, and other similar non-GOP items. Therefore irrelevant to the Republican primary turnout.
On Monday, May 5, the Three Amigos took a break from their daily routine and watched The Three Amigos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
On Tuesday, May 6, 2014, the Republicans of the beautiful state of North Carolina went to vote their beliefs, too, but their choices were limited: abortion, Jesus, and guns.
TheWeekholeView: GOP’s Teenage Crisis
Nice pothole – But I wasn’t clear – does NOBGYN hate babies, pee or those adorable little noises? All adorable actually, what’s wrong with these people!
Regarding the prayers – I guess that’s your separation of church and state: the stuff you think you want v. the important things a real leader is willing cram down your throat!
Thank you Mitt and Karl, may I have another sir!