For the last few weeks the Weekhole has been filled with Trump garbage. Mostly Democratic. Corrupted Dems have chosen a wife and promote her as a feminist win. America is hungry and angry and racially divided. A Hill-Billy monster is such a 90s disco ball that no one seems to want to see its nakedness. Yes, we will bus the minorities to voting centers. Yes, we can bus Florida grandparents and other whiter minorities afraid of a two-state solution too. But the youth, the American youth have already repudiated Hill-Billy. It wasn’t because of Old Uncle Bernie. It was because Hill-Billy is as much a death sentence as Trump is. And now we think that the Americans are again, stupid enough to go and vote, come November, for the most humane death sentence, because they are reliably uneducated and stupid. Maybe, but they are much poorer, and angrier. Sorry Dems. You shot yourself in the foot, and here is briefly why, if you care to read.
Seven days ago: Bill Clinton has a private meeting with Loretta Lynch, asking her to kiss it. She does. Then, Bill goes to FBI and asks all its agents if they want to see it, touch it and kiss it. They all do. The next day, Hill-Billy is exonerated of any email wrong doing. Thankfully Guccifer, who does not seem to kiss anybody at this time will be quiet. First he read news that he was found dead. Voluntary suicide. Then, Justice Ginsburg says that she remains afraid of Trump. Hill-Billy, rest in peace, no one will talk, and you will still lose.
Six Days Ago: Obama goes to Dallas and tells us that we are not as badly divided as we think we are. Dear Obama, we are worse. In times of economic crisis, like the one you are staring at, scapegoats are so welcome, and racism is the oldest scapegoats of all. As your frenemy would say, “It’s the economy, stupid!”
Five Days Ago: Istanbul goes in flames. Baghdad goes in flames. Bangladesh turns cowboy too. All proof that America is a world power.
Four Days Ago: Obama signs the Trans-Pacific Partnership with Hill-Billy’s fountain pen. TPP is another NAFTA (Clinton-signed) corporate deal making sure profits are made globally at the expense of the American worker. Got it? No votes, Dems!
Three Days Ago: Mexican cartels are hosting ISIS summer camps to send them to the USA when the war on drugs gets too heated, or maybe just in time for the November elections, if the pay is right.
Two Days Ago: Trump most likely to select “deadly future” as his running mate, just in case America is still standing in four years.
Yesterday: Amidst all this nonsense, Americans find solace to learn that the firm that put “Happy Birthday” into the public domain now wants to rescind copyright protection for “We Shall Overcome” and “This Land Is Your Land.”