Today is a day of humility. The US House Republicans forced the French people to come, yet again, to our republican rescue. We are not talking about Jean de la Fontaine, the fabulist, who once apparently said, “by their work you know the Republicans,” or something like that. This time the French are coming to our rescue more directly. They have agreed to pay our government workers to keep the Statue of Liberty open to the public, many of them, French tourists.
Why the need to accept French charity? Because the US House Republicans either tired of their government jobs or just bored out of their little minds, decided to take a collective leak instead of just doodling.
[youtube id= 5YHw9mbtpbE width= 470 height=315]
Luckily, Mr. Hollande took our phone call and explained, rather pleased with himself, that the French understood both the value of a working government and that of cultural landmarks and as a nation, they would act accordingly:
We gave you Miss Liberty. We will take care of her, if you cannot, and … The French President was cut off and forced to hang up by what appeared to sound like his dear Tweeting Valerie.
Fortunately, TPV, like most of the US media outlets, will not be affected by this first government shutdown in 17 years because in the US, government and media are divorced. In retrospect, perhaps this was not such a wise move.
Nice pothole – I esp. liked: decided to take a collective leak instead of just doodling.
Regarding the US / Media divorce, TPV might want to change the locks on the back door…