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The 2012 Summer Chronicles of the Tanned Mme Lagarde and the Tart Me Sarkozy

I did it because everybody does it
I did it because everybody does it

That Mme Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, authorized a £270 million payout to a prominent supporter of the former French president her dear friend Me Sarkozy, when she was his finance minister, made sense to some, though the skeptical French are investigating now its legality, reports The Telegraph. However, everybody seems to disapprove of Mme Lagarde’s use of the Legion d’Honneur to obtain favorable financial treatment for her dear friend, the diminutive Me Sarkozy.  Mme Lagarde disgraced herself for having recommended mere bankers such as Xavier Musca for a Legion d’Honneur, reports the same British paper.

 More tolerant probably than our British colleagues, we at ThePotholeView understand Mme Lagarde. Since Napoleon Bonaparte created the Legion d’Honneur as France’s top civilian award in 1802, many thousands have received it, including some 10,000 great Americans, such as main architect of the current economic crash, Alan Greenspan, and the body builder turned Republican xenophobe, Arnold Schwarzenegger. All these thousands of Americans are said to have distinguished themselves as magnificent promoters of French values, social and cultural. ThePotholeView does not have the manpower to review the merits of all those awards, but it seems likely that many of them were awarded based on friendship or vulgarly put it, quid pro quo.  So, why picking on Mme Lagarde and Me Sarkozy who have already so many problems?

I did it because everybody does it
I did it because everybody does it


  1. Howdy. Aren’t you a bit fixated on the French? Do they really matter? Why don’t you say something about Mitt or Bara? Don’t you care?


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