Home Art Rocking Brooklyn as if Riding a Citibike in Manhattan

Rocking Brooklyn as if Riding a Citibike in Manhattan

Vocalist Thomas Mars is a funny Gallic guy. He keeps his smile like his shirt: well tucked in. I’ve discovered their music by reading some Rolling Stone text on their 2009 album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix – “Lisztomania” remains a favorite song [youtube id= 4BJDNw7o6so width= 470 height=315]
Curious, I purchased that album and the others before and after. I love their earlier music rather than their more recent songs pretentious but eminently collected into an album entitled Bankrupt!
Last night at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Mars played his music with the enthusiasm city workers clean parks early in the morning and drug offenders identify themselves to undercover officers. Before the grand finale, when his agent told Mars he had to let fans touch him, eventually he did so but brought a bottle of Purell hand sanitizer in his pocket.

Not everything was as clean as an e-cigarette – the light show was Cindy Lauperish, and the Parisian shot was first class camera work. Reckless, rock’n’roll, and beautiful.


  1. Nice music review (was that you?) made me think of a fun to read review of one of Pynchon’s books where a letter writer asked what I was wondering “Yes, but did you like the book?”

  2. yeah…especially that the Vaccines were so bad: boys with feelings but no music. Mars & Friends have music but no feelings I could notice…perhaps my seat was too far away. Again, I loved their clip of Paris from the point of view of a Lamborghini driver in the early hours of a summer day. dana


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