Home Dana Neacsu Alec Baldwin Promises to Stop Sucking

Alec Baldwin Promises to Stop Sucking

Variety reports that MSNBC has suspended Alec Baldwin’s “Up Late” program for two weeks after an incident in which the host and actor called a man filming his family a “c**ksucking f*g.”

TPV’s house translator says that “c**ksucking f*g” stands for “cocksucking fag.” But, if you look at this video of Katy Perry live, you’ll understand that cock-sucking is an activity spread well beyond the fag micro cosmos.

[youtube id= dvGFVq8RYm8 width= 470 height=315]

When our own TPV fag reporter confronted the Nobu-frequent-eater Stephen Baldwin, the brother of said Alec, Stephen said:

I don’t get the outrage. Everybody in this business, and I mean, you and me, and all my brothers, had to suck a cock or two to become famous.

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  1. TVP – tell Alec, it’s good for you:
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