#Oregonians have again been discriminated against by CNN. For decades Oregonians have been lumped in with #Portlandians. Most recently in #Portlandia series.But there is so much more to Oregonians, armed group’s leader, #Ammon #Bundy said recently.
“We will be here as long as it takes,” Ammon, who is not related to serial killer Ted Bundy, said in an exclusive interview with TPV, yesterday. “No one understands us. They think we just want to use our Christmas gifts, the new guns, but that is not true.”
FBI confirmed that the armed protesters occupied an empty government-owned building in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and set camp for the rest of the holiday season.
“We will be here as long as it takes,” Ammon Bundy said. “We have no intentions of leaving until we are ready to leave.”
Asked when that would happen, Ammon shrugged and called his wife.
“Not any time soon.”
When #TPV asked him what exactly caused the uproar, Ammon called again his wife and we heard
“Animal rights. Let the dogs use whatever pants they want.”
Unnerved by what transpired from the phone conversation #TPV further pressed the question of animal rights, and Ammon said
“if force is used against dogs, then we would defend them and ourselves.”
#TPV remains as baffled as ever, save this Internet meme about dogs and pants. If indeed, this is the reason for the armed uproar, then #TPV intends to continue its exclusive interview with Ammon and clarify his position about how dogs should wear pants.
By DANA NEACSU: Armed Groups in Oregon Protest for Dogs Pants Freedom