This Monday, Bill Cosby filed for protection of his reputation in Federal Court after he fell on hard times. Fifty women had accused him of rape and other sexual misconduct dating back decades. Now, the actor alleged that he needed protection from those female bandits. He gathered six attorneys to help teach himself and other men in his position how to defend themselves when old women gang out and ask for money stating that they deserve it because of the things done to them when they were young and pretty and innocent and only starting in show biz.
#Cosby is willing to pay for the attorneys’ services for his and other men’s benefit, but refuses to pay the bandits any more money than he had already paid them decades ago.
A giant battle is set to occur when all 50 bandits will attack Bill Cosby in court with their vile allegations that #Cosby needed to rufy them rather than ask them nicely to go to bed with him in exchange for show biz protection.
Joseph Cammarata, an attorney representing the 50 bandits, said #Cosby’s suit “stinks of retaliation.”
“To suggest that these ladies — each and every one of them — got together and orchestrated a campaign against Mr. Cosby is hard to fathom,” Cammarata said. Look at them. They are as old as he is. They are no bandits.
#Cosby’s suit cites his work as an entertainer and philanthropist, saying #Cosby
“prides himself in the legacy and reputation he has earned throughout his life. He could have been the original #rufy user.”
By DANA NEACSU: Bill Cosby Defends Himself
[…] Bill Cosby Defends Himself […]