Home Cracks in the Street Breaking News: TPV Doesn’t Compete with FoxNews

Breaking News: TPV Doesn’t Compete with FoxNews

In his article, FEAR & UNbalanced: Confessions of a 14-Year Fox News Hitman, Tobin Smith explains he was hired by Fox to create a nation of Trumps, or of prostate-suffering older white men. Apparently, he succeeded. Here are some extracts from @DailyKos reporting on this.

  • “Who’s Fox News target audience and what turns ’em on?”

“I created a TV network for people 55 to dead,” Smith says Ailes, now dead, told him.

  • “Who are they?

“They are white guys in mostly red state counties who sit on their couch with the remote in their hand all day and night. They are mini-Trumps.

  • “What do they want to see?”

“They want to see those smug condescending know-it-all east coast liberals tore to pieces…limb by limb … until they jump up out of their laz boy and scream “Way to go, you killed that libtard!”


By DANA NEACSU: Breaking News: TPV Doesn’t Compete with FoxNews


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