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Cover Yourself and Those Things You Love with Solar Panels

cover yourself

The White House has a bet to keep, yeah more important than Net Neutrality: saving some American middle class, because it is disappearing as fast as the Arctic glaciers.

In Noah’s mood, the Democratic politicians are searching for ways to preserve the middle class. The slogans go like this:

We don’t see Made in America as much as we used to, says Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), but if we want a vibrant and growing middle class, we’ve got to get back to building here at home.

However, finding those jobs seems to be hard. Especially the manufacturing ones, because while we buy Apple, it comes from China. Similarly, sort of, when we buy a service – like eating out – it is usually done by illegal immigrants (cooking, table waiting, etc.). So, building may be something which requires dealing with unions, that ugly word both Republicans and Democrats of Charter Schools Persuasion, so deeply dislike.

So, building is our Democratic hope for revamping the American middle class.

[embedyt]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORni8uiuslI[/embedyt]And the White House has a suggestion.

Solar Panels.

Cover yourself and your spouse and children in solar panels. It will keep you warm and trendy. Of course, if you have a home, start by covering its roof. Both the panels and the installation are 100%  made-in-America.



Cover Yourself and Those Things You Love with Solar Panels


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