Home Dana Neacsu Keep Your Pants on but Drop Your Business Ties, Matie!

Keep Your Pants on but Drop Your Business Ties, Matie!

President-Elect Trump, or PEOTUSTrump, chose to reach his pants rather than his ties when talking about his business plans.

America chose me as its CEO-in-Chief. What is this nonsense about giving up my business ties! I give up nothing. I only take what’s rightfully mine.

TPV tried to rap for him the ethical implications of doing business while in the White House. It did not work. Trump is in a slump.

Okay. I will appoint an ethics advisor on domestic business deals and fudge a ban on foreign deals.

TPV sounded mesmerized that we even have this conversation.

I will appoint Barron as my ethics advisor and Melania as his advising guardian. Ivanka will continue to have shoes made in China and sell them to Congress and everybody else I am related to will “take care of business.”

TPV wondered why he used air quotes around “Take Care of Business.”

I will travel the world and sleep in Trump Towers and Trump Hotels and eat at Trump Restaurants, skate on Trump Skating Rings and use Trump toilet paper when I need it. So, who will take care of business, Chump, me or my family?

TPV remains unsure whether Trump referred to us or the entire American People as “Chump.”


By DANA NEACSU: Keep Your Pants on But Drop Your Business Ties, Matie!


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