Breaking News, New York City, UN Headquarters – In an unprecedented move, the mayors of New York City, #Calgary and #Rouen spoke in front of the General Assembly today to promote the first ever
“Sorry, condom use cannot be enforced” UN Resolution.
Taking the example of Rouen, the birth city of the current French President Francois Hollande, and whose billboard reads
“We are sorry for having given you the schmack,”
Calgary and New York City will soon post “Sorry” billboards too.
Bill de Blasio announced that New York City, whose Queens borough gave birth to the infamous Donald Trump, would soon affix billboards stating:
“Queens, NY – Ashamed to be linked to Donald Trump.”
The Mayor of Calgary added that while Canadians feel embarrassed by ted Cruz too, their billboards would be different. They would state:
“Calgary, Alberta, Canada – Hooray, Ted Cruz, Canadian Crazy by Birth & American by Choice, Has Gone Away. Free bottles of maple syrup at City Hall.”
By DANA NEACSU: New York City and Calgary Sister Cities with Rouen