An artist nails his scrotum to the pavement to protest Russia’s repressive laws. Unfortunately, he had forgotten that it remained attached to his body.
“I didn’t readily think it through, ” the artist, Petr Pavlensky, said in heavily accented English. After asking the time of this reporter from TPV, and being told it was past noon, Pavlensky said, “Shit, I had a date at Starbuck’s.”
The Kremlin police appeared equally perturbed.
“Why his scrotum?” they asked seemingly to all the onlookers. “There are so many parts of a body that you can easily remove from the street. We do that after traffic accidents every day. But a scrotum?”
The police and other officials were consulting one another and making hasty phone calls to various ministries. One official hung up, obviously vexed, and said
there is no agency in charge of scrotums. Not even a sub ministry. If this guy is protesting that gap, believe me we will have a minister of scrotums before the day ends,” punching his fist against his cell phone.
Meanwhile Mr. Pavlensky was on the phone himself, and could be heard saying,
I know darling but I just can’t make it. Have an extra cappuccino for me. Oh, good news, don’t worry any more if you forget to take the pill. I think I may have solved that problem.
It was never made clear what or why the artist was protesting.
For the sadder version of the events, go to
liked the first bit (forgot it was attached) best but all good
Very funny
I saw the story but it didn’t occur to me to make anything of it. Very funny