Home By Marquel Somewhere With No Rainbow

Somewhere With No Rainbow

[embedyt]http://youtu.be/nauLgZISozs[/embedyt]Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Empty Headed Promises Section correspondent was shaving gracefully when he read The Bushes, Led by W., Rally to Make Jeb ‘45’, and he cut himself: It hurt.

As Jeb Bush nears a decision to become the third member of his storied family to seek the presidency, the extended Bush clan and its attendant network are largely rallying behind the prospect and pulling the old machine out of the closet. Marquel wondered what their strategy will be. George HW saying to the cameras, “read my lips, no new taxes,” and then imposing new taxes? Or George W, saying we had to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans because of weapons of mass destruction? And then there weren’t any?

What does the Bush family have to offer Americans? The ability to lie without any apparent regrets? It is a special ability, but is it Presidential? Marquel was unsure. He wanted to find out.

“Jeb has always been the best of the bunch. He’s the one we always thought should be president.” Said one of the family to me.

“So were the others a mistake?” I asked.

“No, they were surprises. Happy surprises.” He asserted.

“Not all of us were happy when they broke their words. Does Jeb keep his promises?” I asked.

“I suppose so.” He said.

“But that’s not what he might run for president on.” I said.

“Not at all.” He said. “I think he’ll run as a Bush.” he said.

“Well he can’t really run as a Roosevelt.” I said. “But the last two Bushes, as you say, were surprises. Kind of bottom of the barrel. So Jeb doesn’t seem much more than the top apple at the bottom of the barrel.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” He said.

“But neither was inflation and an unnecessary war.”

“I think Jeb can argue persuasively and promise that there will be no inflation and no more wars.” He urged.

“That would be an improvement,” said I.

“And think of it. Three Bush presidents!” He said.

“Aha, that’s exactly what I can’t get my head around. Does it really matter that there might be three Bush presidents?” I asked.

“It would be historic.” He asserted.

“Is that a reason to vote for somebody? Because it’s historic?” I asked.

I think to some people,” he answered.

“I’m afraid you might be right,” I said.

“Have no fear. It’s a great family.” He said.

“You may be right,” I said, “but great presidents?”

“Three! Isn’t that great enough for you?” He asked.

“No,” I said. “You know what would be great?”

He shook his head no.

“If there were three Bush presidents in a row. Now that would take my breath away. And my faith in democracy.” I said.

He wiggled in his seat. “Wow you’re right. That would really be great” he said.

There went my faith.


BY MARQUEL: Somewhere With No Rainbow



  1. Loved it;
    What does the Bush family have to offer Americans? The ability to lie without any apparent regrets? It is a special ability, but is it Presidential? Marquel was unsure. He wanted to find out.


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