Humiliated, threatened, in despair — this Romanian senator could not cope with the pressure. Sorina Placinta, a Romanian senator, member of the Coalition that supported the former Government, broke out in tears after her Party’s leader threatened her to change her vote against the Government. Previously, she had been invited to a so-called discussion in one of the Senate’s offices, only to find herself locked inside. This was her party’s extreme measure to stop her from joining the vote of the opposition to dismiss the Government, according to press sources. Sen. Plancinta somehow managed to escape and tell her story.

Thankfully, for the democratic process, we have the video where she recounted these events to her party’s vice-president, Mrs. Udrea. Sen. Placinta took that opportunity to explain her much publicized crying episode. According to Sen. Placinta, the only other time she cried before this incident was because of digestive pains.
Friday, April 27, 2012, a coalition of opposition parties gained majority in a vote against the Government, sweeping away from the power the party created by President Basescu, party now accused of being corrupt. Romania is the second largest country in Central and Eastern Europe and the seventh largest in the Europe. Romania joined the European Union in 2004.
neat piece of information. I did not particulary care about it. but it’s neat.
Who is that woman anyway?