Home Dana Neacsu TheWeekholeView Is Throwing Shade

TheWeekholeView Is Throwing Shade

Here the week starts and ends with amazing precision on a schedule of its own, though TPV thought otherwise. Here is what fell through the shading hole this past week:

On Saturday, Film producer Valeria Richter, who has part of her left foot amputated, was stopped at the Cannes Film Festival for not wearing high heels,

“Bitch, that heelless prosthetic sure looks fancy!”

sophie-marceau-600x800 On Sunday, Cannes gawkers were seen instagraming,

“That Sophie Marceau bitch is showing off her underwear cause her vagina is ugly as fuck!”

To prove them wrong, the French forgotten actress showed us her lovely plastic nip, too.


Sleeping-BeautyOn Monday, the Cannes competition called “Un Certain regard” had viewers of Sleeping Beauty whistle,

“Surely, this movie has a sequel cause nothing sexy happened here.”

That shading has been constantly used since four years ago!

On Tuesday, critics missed seeing a good movie because the best scheduling spot went to a film “worthy” of itself, Carol.

Sylvester-Stallone-expose-ses-toiles-a-NiceOn Wednesday, Sylvester Stallone sold some of his paintings in an open market at Cannes. Harvey Keitel was heard saying,

“It is a great investment for eBay auctions.”



Salma-Hayek-a-Cannes-le-17-mai-2015On Thursday evening, TPV finally understood Salma Hayek‘s appeal. It comes from her entourage: the twin bouncers.




Julie-GayetOn Friday, at the 8:30 AM screening only TPV , Julie Gayet and French president, Francois Hollande were in the audience. Maybe it was the early timing which kept the French away from showing up.


By DANA NEACSU: TheWeekholeView Is Throwing Shade


  1. Liked the quotes: sequel… ebay investment… did you make those or grab them? Good either way.

    Twin bouncers was cute too – technical problem – clicking on the images doesn’t make them full sized…

    Maybe this would work for that half foot:


    (lose the arm)


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