Right before switching to “Made in Trumpland,” President D. Trump remembered Trumpcare. He ramped up his outreach to the Hill and hosted a handful of GOP senators for dinner.
Show up, Dopes!
T wrote on the e-vite.
That speech scared Cornyn, John Thune of South Dakota, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Steve Daines of Montana and James Lankford of Oklahoma, according to Republican aides.
As neither T, nor his White House aides understood that any bill needs more than 50 votes, the dinner went on pleasantly. The Filipino kitchen staff used Bangladesh-infused cuisine to prepare the dinner, which was served on the finest Trump Tower China.
Needless to say, the rest of the GOP spoke loud and clear:
Trumpcare is for thee, T, not for me.
By DANA NEACSU: Trump to the GOP: You, Dopes