Home Dana Neacsu TheWeekholeView of Bad Luck and Poor Timing

TheWeekholeView of Bad Luck and Poor Timing

Every now and then weeks are meaningful. Here is what fell through the hole in the past few days.

On Thursday, September 1, the White House reportedly received the official invitation to the G-20 summit scheduled to start a couple of days later.

The White House shrugged off the late invitation explaining it as “bad luck,” and “bad timing,” adding that the President was still “trying on suits to wear and thus he was not ready for prime time interviews.”

On Friday, September 2, the CIA intercepted phone calls among the G-20 participants referring to our president as a “he:”

“Who is he?,” foreign and sovereign nations’ presidents were asking each other referring to president Obama.

On Saturday, September 3, a logistical spat over missing airline airplane stairs needed for Obama to reach the red carpet at Hangzhou airport, in China, forced the American president to exit from the “ass” of Air Force One.

“That’s the Chinese term,” national security adviser, Ms. Rice, explained. “In American we call it exiting from the belly of the plane.”


On Sunday, September 4, Mr. Obama bumped into his Russian counterpart, Vladmir Putin, in the bathroom, and started a stare-down contest. When they resurfaced after more than four hours, the president explained that he couldn’t afford another loss to Vladimir.

“Typically, the tone of our meetings are candid, blunt, businesslike. This one was different because our staredown was not slightly down, but down,” was how Obama described it to reporters.

On Monday, September 5, Obama bemoaned the time he was scheduled to spend with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, too. While Obama was ready to acknowledge that Erdogan was a true man for having survived the “terrible attempted imaginary coup,” he also wanted to point out that Erdogan‘s lack of love for teachers was going to create tensions between the two countries.

We in America value our teachers. We do not pay them, but we value them. We give them the summers off to go out and find seasonal jobs. But in Turkey, oh, in Turkey teachers are just mistreated. Period.

On Tuesday, September 6, Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, said:

“Growth has been too low for too long for too few….but that forces migration and migration brings poor work force where work force is needed, so we will keep things unchanged.”

On Wednesday, September 7, President Barack Obama bade farewell to G20 leaders in Hangzhou, China, by reminding them

You’re living in “turbulent” times — mostly because of our making.

Then he tripped but luckily Ms Rice was there, at his belly, to catch him.

On Thursday, September 8, President Barack Obama summarized his Summit presence, and said:

“As I tell my staff it may not look like much, but if we’re better than before we started, then we’ll take it. Personally, a few days ago I did not know Hangzhou is the capital city of Zhejiang Province on China’s southeastern coast. Geography is not taught in our public schools. But now I know, and I feel better.”


By DANA NEACSU: TheWeekholeView of Bad Luck and Poor Timing


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