Home Dana Neacsu Andrew Rosenthal Has Cojones and TPV Takes Notice

Andrew Rosenthal Has Cojones and TPV Takes Notice

Everybody who is anybody in the US wants war with Syria. That excludes the still-educated masses. But everybody else, and I mean everybody: from the petit media jocks like Jon Stewart, or Stephen Colbert, to the major league politicians like Obama & co; everybody wants more Middle Eastern bombing action. So, it takes courage to accept and point out that the only rational voice in American politics today belongs to a former KGB employee, Vladimir Putin. Putin’s remarkable op-ed piece published on Wednesday, September 11, 2013, in the country’s still premiere’s newspaper, proved how incompetent and narrow-minded corporate America has become – less The New York Times, of course.

Andrew Rosenthal is the force beyond this PR coup, says Margaret Sullivan.

And TPV believes it. So, congratulations Andrew on your new pair of cojones. For all his new fans out there, here is a bit of Andrew in an interview with a Rutgers University legend. [youtube id=gSgnq5Rtcqc width= 470 height=315]


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