Only yesterday Sen. Al Franken‘s people mass emailed that Net Neutrality – equal access to the Internet for all – should continue to be the norm. His metaphor was:
When it comes to your daily commute, a “fast lane” is a good thing.
But when it comes to the Internet, allowing big telecom companies to set up “fast lanes” for content providers willing to pay for special access is nothing short of a disaster.
Now, real Americans do not understand that metaphor because there are no fast trains in our land, and fast lanes are pretty slow anyway. So, to make thinks clearer, small fish TPV – which totally agrees with Senator Franken’s position, re-posts this YouTube clip [embedyt][/embedyt]and adds:
let’s keep the Internet a true market place, where freedom of demand reigns, where the choice belongs to the informed citizen able to read everything not just what’s finally available without interruptions.
In that spirit we reproduce’s plea for Net Neutrality.
Hundreds of thousands of Demand Progress members have spoken out in support of Net Neutrality this year: We’ve signed petitions, sent tens of thousands of emails to the Federal Communications Commission, and held meetings between dozens of constituents and their lawmakers. Demand Progress’s Washington, DC staff is engaging directly with lawmakers and their staff.
But we must keep up the pressure on all fronts if we’re going to win.
What we need the FCC to do is simple: If it “reclassifies” the Internet as a “telecommunications service” it can restore Net Neutrality. Done.
We have to put political pressure on the FCC to force it to do just that. Many lawmakers have already weighed in, but we need more to do so this week. Please call your senators and tell them:
“I’m a constituent and I need you to call the Federal Communications Commission to tell them to ‘reclassify’ the Internet as a telecommunications service, and restore Net Neutrality regulations. The so-called “fix” that they’re proposing undermines Net Neutrality.”
It’ll really just take a minute or two. If you are a New Yorker, please call:
Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand
And you can reach them here:
- Sen. Schumer – (202) 224-6542
- Sen. Gillibrand – (202) 224-4451
When you’re done, please click here to let us know that you made the call.
Together, we’re going to win this fight.
-Demand Progress
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All Bits Are Created Equally Slow. Or Fast.
I don’t want to call anyone, it makes me too nervous, especially talking to a Senator. We once brought her brownies (NOT my idea…) We’ll we tried. We called ahead to make sure it was OK, then went with the kids. Not only would they not let us see our senator, but they said they couldn’t take the brownies.
What kind of person won’t take brownies? From children?
These are the people who are going to save the internet? I’m stocking up on forever stamps, VHS tapes and books.