The revues are in, and if bathrobes are your hated clothes, then this is the place for you, ’cause bathrobes are only used at the bar.
I loved the reviews and next time I find myself in London I will eat my curry outside Bunyadi so I can guess the nakedness of the people going in. Because there is nothing I like more than seeing Brüno‘s genitals. So, imagine my giddiness thinking about seeing Sacha Noam Baron Cohen‘s dingle too. Or at least sitting on the same chair his naked genitals sat. Or if you get me started with sharing the chair where royal naked genitals may sit one day, then that’s dreamland: awesome and daring. What can be more fulfilling than being part of the first transmission of STD without the S involved! To get a sexually transmitted disease just by rubbing your genitals against a chair.
I omitted to mention that all this mental circus comes with the surroundings: the melodic earthen beat of the music, pleasant I suspect for the tone-deaf or just the deaf, and the body language conversation. Because no language is needed when your body can do the talking.
Bon Appétit!
By DANA NEACSU: The BUNYADI. Where Naked People Eat.
And I’m not just talking about SNBC’s dingle – I started out selecting my favorite part (see below) but I thought they whole run was great.
Thanks Man!