Vice President Joe Biden said on CNN Feb 7, that he sees no reason why he shouldn’t run for president in 2016. And neither does TPV.
“There may be reasons I don’t run, but there’s no obvious reason for me why I think I should not run,” Biden told CNN’s “New Day” program.
Biden said he’d make his decision sometime in the summer of 2015.
Biden, 71, said his decision will be based on
“whether I am the best qualified” to advocate for two issues he cares most about: standing up for ordinary people and a “sound foreign policy.”
TPV believes this is great news for our old friend Hillary. She will suddenly look young, she is 66 after all and not 71, and next to Joe she looks quite pretty, which counts for so much in American politics. TPV supported Bill de Blasio’s bid for mayor because Chirlane remains a very attractive woman.
In other words, Joe’s bid for US Presidency should definitely be supported by the Clinton fund-raising machine: first, to promote Joe and then, to squash him and take over his issues: patting ordinary people on their bellies and foreign statesmen on their backs.
well said TPV, “patting ordinary people on their bellies and foreign statesmen on their backs.”
do you expect any politician to do anything else than that?