The Kids Are Alright. Or Maybe They Aren’t
I own the CD “The Best of Pete Townshend,” and the use of the word ‘best’ in relation to this collection of songs is...
Santorum’s Time Traveling Tales
A few weeks back, I said that Obama did not have what it took to be my candidate, but do I have a choice?...
New Year’s Retributions: Getting Back at Those Who Did You Wrong
This is the time of year when nearly everyone seems to be making some sort of resolution about what they’ll be doing (differently, usually)...
Obama Has Become What He Thinks and It Ain’t Pretty
I did not think I would have to come out against a particular presidential candidate. But it just happened. As the founder of Buddhism, Prince...
Tragicomedy à la Federico Fellini
The United States of America is tired of being the worlds Cesar. To make sure that it can retire, even if no one steps...
David Texting Goliath to Look Down
NYPD helicopters regularly wake me in the middle of the night. Usually they’re looking for someone who accidentally shot a close relative while intending...
Latest Wikileaks Release: Republican Presidential Candidate Emails
On Saturday Wikileaks published a new set of emails to its website, this time featuring emails sent among the leading Republican presidential candidates. It...
NHL To Become No Hitting League? Hockey KO’s Itself with Brain Injuries
Take a look: NHL star Sidney Crosby on the ice following a hit in last year's Winter Classic! The NHL is a funny league. Always...
Can’t Face It: Defriending and Wondering Why
Im sorry, FHD. I didnt want to do it. I hope you havent noticed, but you forced me into it. Its probably my fault...
Derivative Works Better!
Derivative is usually the curse of small cultures. George Enescu, the greatest Romanian composer, is rather too Dvorakian in his compositions, so few outside...
Giuliani Out of Presidential Race—Unsure of Lunch Plans
Oct 11 (Reuters) - Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Tuesday he will not enter the race for the Republican nomination to run...
Killing? No, out of the question. Adultery? Yes, please.
Recently, The New York Times ran an article that seemed personally tailored for me. Many of you, no doubt, know what this feels like. ...
The Affability of Evil. An Evening with Dick Cheney
It is not often, in my experience, that a person is given the chance to find out what he will sell out for. In...
On Half Siblings
Jason Zinoman suggests that before criticizing, the critic should divulge her bias: if you don’t like cherries don’t criticize your friend’s mom’s homemade cherry...