So, Who’s Brutus

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Angry Mob Section correspondent was surprisingly happy, so he went to the Tavern on the Green and ordered a six course...

More Brown matter from the NYPD

Occupy Wall Street is to celebrate its first aniversary, on Monday, with the blessing of the NYPD spokespman, Paul Brown, who said: "We accommodate...

Stayin’ Alive in Afghanistan

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Slow Down Section correspondent, was napping, when he had a bad dream and woke up to read U.S. Agrees to Slow Pullout...

Dazed and Confused

Those idiots at the Ford India ad agency are seriously f’ed up.  I mean, as India fights its elongated history of men’s brutality on...

Kim Davis. A Life Made by News

Rowan County clerk Kim Davis got her job when her mamma retired from that same job because 49, Kim's clock started ticking for Social security...

Let’s Fire Trump While Abroad

In a tweet last week, Trump dismissed the FBI and congressional probes into his Russian connection as a "witch-hunt". Today, The Washington Post writes: Trump made...

The Virtuosity of Nothingness

Today, The New York Times started its pro-Obama propaganda with a first-page article about how Obama plays to win. I found it boring until...

When Decency Disappears

The Tea Party -- or as we call it here the TeePee – is causing an earthquake of sorts in our society and the...

Barbara’s Younger Son, Jeb

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Like Father Like Son Section correspondent, was engaged in a thoughtful moment when he read that Jeb Bush talks about foreign...

Scott Walker Vows to Bring Back the Dead: The Alzheimer Dead

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Alzheimer's in the White House Section correspondent, spent an entire morning bent over his shoes trying to remember what he was...

The NRA Was Telling the Truth, The New York Times Reports

It is not the guns that kill us it is their bullets. Sorry, that is not what The New York Times reports. It is...

Mr. Allen’s Flab-o-phobia

Superficially speaking, Mr. Woody Allen’s latest film is more of the same. It is an integral part of his oeuvre. If Whatever Works portrays...

Gitlin’s HISTORY:  Summer of Love and Rage

First published here: HISTORY:  Summer of Love and Rage If you were in the ghettoes of Newark, Detroit or scores of other cities that summer, you...

With a Little Walk around the Block

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes I Don't Want Her You Can Have Her She's Too Fat For Me Section correspondent, was eating fried butter, when he...

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