Dropping the Mitts: Dems Missing out on Taking the Fight to Romney

With Gingrich finally throwing in the towel (and with candidate Newt's demise so too does our expectation of living on the moon in the...

Two Days Left – Hillary Gave $10 to Bernie. Investing in Charlotte’s Future

Breaking news from a piggy bank somewhere in a Iowan cornfield, "If TPV can, Hillary surely can afford $10," said the grand dame of the...

It’s Only Water

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes This Won't Hurt A Bit Section correspondent, was walking on needles, when he read Psychologists Shielded U.S. Torture Program, Report Finds. The...

On Lust and Social Dilemmas: To Spit or to Swallow

Dominique Strauss Kahn, the would-have-been French Bill Clinton, was unluckily undone by his carnal lust before the French people had a chance to vote...

KYT- Race, Class and the 2016 Presidential Election – Fighting the Clinton Machine

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is a writer, public speaker and activist living in Philadelphia. She writes on Black politics, housing inequality and issues of race and...

Todd Gitlin’s Management of Unleashed Insanity

The Management of Unleashed Insanity Trump perfects the role of Propagandist-in-Chief. BY TODD GITLIN | MARCH 16, 2017 The Management of Unleashed Insanity President Richard Nixon during a...

Who’s the Democrat?

We cannot be sure whether President Obama got sick of ThePotholeView calling him names or whether he just woke up and decided to get...

Warren’s hypothetical IMPERATIVE

Obama Calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Absolutely Wrong’ on Trade Deal, because, Marquel read the text, Obama thinks her criticisms are 'hypotheticals.' Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Hypointellectual Black...

If You Feel like Saying No Today, Say It to the Koch Brothers

The great struggle of our time is to prevent the United States from becoming an oligarchic form of society in which the economic and...

Alan Dershowitz – Schmuck alert!

Marquel, TPV Times correspondent was fed up with the Times when he read Alan Dershowitz: France Reaped What It Sowed in Paris Attack.  While...

Hill’s Time or Indictment Time?

President Obama must have read TPV's recent article on Hill's trouble with Clorox and must have decided it's time to act. Obama surely believes that Hillary...

News on the Personification of Corporations – The Harvard Club Is Making Forays into...

By the time we are six we learn that there is no Santa Claus. Then, a year later, the Easter Bunny leaves us too....

Slow Burn Impostors!

A solution to the race classification problem—a final solution, if you will—is easily achieved Rachel Dolezal, the former NAACP executive who apparently claimed to be...

The Joke of the Super PAC. Much Too Subtle for Some

As far back as I can remember, there has never been a better running political joke than the series of “Super Pac” segments performed...

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