High School Musical on for Another Season

How the Gleeks are maintaining the stranglehold of mediocrity on mass culture—and what did music ever do to them to make them hate music...

The Theory of Internet-Based Information

Watching and reading about the recent film, Page One: A Year The New York Times, is a strange experience.  To be sure, its subject...

American Politics, a Tank, and the International Stage: The Venice Biennale

Yes, I am going to require at least a modicum of research for this piece, which is— above all else— a discussion of the...

Mr. Allen’s Flab-o-phobia

Superficially speaking, Mr. Woody Allen’s latest film is more of the same. It is an integral part of his oeuvre. If Whatever Works portrays...

Doucheland Uber Alles

In his assertion that he “sympathize with Hitler,” Danish filmmaker Lars Von Trier was certainly bringing more than a touch of the bizarre to...

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