Be Right Back!
Wes Craven, a Master of Slasher Horror Films, Dies at 76, read Marquel, TPVs NYTimes zombie section correspondent. He immediately got depressed and screamed.
Mr. Craven, a...
The Myth of the Cultured
La Pinacoteque is a funky little space, which sometimes houses art.
It is located in the heart of Paris: its real estate brushes elbows with Fauchon, the...
Experience a Google Kiss only Better
Google invites us to experience a kiss like never before this February. I took the challenge and I started searching for my two favorite...
Hair. The Next (to last) Generation.
Unless hyped, hair is such a non-issue, that one would be baffled to hear that Hair makes for a less repetitive musical than Mama...
Bestiaire. Is It Us or Is It Denis Côté?
Denis Côté is worried about his new film. He’s afraid that people think it is anti-zoo. Before the movie began, Côté, in his unnatural...
Schwarzenegger: Total Freefall?
In the 1993 action movie, Demolition Man, Bruce Willis’s character is thawed (after being cryogenically frozen in 1996) in the year 2023 in future...
The Songs the Obamas and the Bidens Were Told to Listen to this Christmas
Dear TPV Readers, here is vetted music you can listen to, also:
The Obamas and the Bidens just shared their holiday playlists:
Just in time for...
Wearing Clueless by Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump is a fashionista. And as a fashionista she claimed to appreciate Oprah's Golden Globe Speech.
Ivanka Trump✔@IvankaTrump
Just saw @Oprah's empowering & inspiring speech...
Bono’s Appendix to His Little Book to Humanity
TPV is greatful to be able to reproduce Bono's appendix to his little book published a few days ago on his website.
If this is...
Argo: The Tough Answer to a Tough Question
012), 120 min, Drama, History, Thriller; Story: A dramatization of the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret operation to extract six fugitive American diplomatic personnel out of...
Doucheland Uber Alles
In his assertion that he sympathize with Hitler, Danish filmmaker Lars Von Trier was certainly bringing more than a touch of the bizarre to...
High School Musical on for Another Season
How the Gleeks are maintaining the stranglehold of mediocrity on mass culture—and what did music ever do to them to make them hate music...
Rembrandt, You’re So Vain
With Rembrandt, the Selfie Takes On New Meaning, Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Egoism Section correspondent, read and nodded in agreement with Nina Seigal.
Rembrandt painted more selfies than...
Madonna Pays to be Watched
Madonna was a cute girl and everybody loved her thirty years ago. She had money then, and now, she has even more. When she...