Mayday Mayday: A SuperPAC to end all SuperPACs

From our email inbox to our readers: Here's the exciting news: We all know this democracy is in distress. It's time to send an urgent...

Greece Chose Charity for the Poor Rather than Democracy for All

A while ago we were reporting that the world was afraid of Greece. What if Greece were to choose defending democracy and scream Class Warfare! Luckily...

Chag Sameach! from the White House and TPV

As TPV was busy cleaning up its cupboards of bread crumbs, we were very pleased to receive the email below from our friend, the...

Magic Mike. Bloomberg, the Male Stripper

Amid concerns that the Marathon may let foreigners gauge the depth of the American dream a week after a tropical storm ravaged what used...

Made in NYC – TPV Noted; What Is Culture?

Good morning NYC! If you ever wondered what culture is, you should stop right now. It is an American yogurt company! *** THE POTHOLEVIEW Made in...

Google’s Cloud, TPV’s Silver Lining

For the last 24 hours, various media outlets discussed the imminent antitrust lawsuit the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will initiate against the Internet search...

Valerie T May Soon Be Free to Tweet to Her Heart’s Content

The French satirical publication Le Canard Enchaine is not our Onion. Its articles, even when more wishful thinking than factual reports are the result...

How to Have Sex When Fat- Learn from Pregnant Women

It seems that we are a nation of fatties. Based on recent studies we will continue ballooning. Researchers are giving up. They do not...

Dogs and Puppies and the New Media

Today’s news of the moment is “Kathie Lee Gifford Drops A Puppy on Its Head.” Popular new media outlets such as The Huffington Post...
Adon Sheldon, is this all I need to do?

The Scariest Thing about Romney Is Sheldon Adelson

I discovered late in my life that being Jewish is beautiful. Until then I thought that it was just my reflection in the mirror...

NYT: Strong Safety Rules for Taxis and Uber.

Absolutely no more swerving onto sidewalks crowded with pedestrians.
In Plain Sight- But Classified

WikiLeaks Cannot Hurt the US Government, Judge Kollar-Kotelly Decided

I used to applaud the decisions of Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly of the United States District Court in Washington, especially the one describing the Bush...

On Sandy, ConEdison and New Yorkers

Since Sunday, tropical storm Sandy has proved to be the man in charge in New York City. Sandy’s reign came as ConEdison once again...

Class and Tawdriness on the Internet. Where’s the News? It Ain’t Cheap. was expected to premiere at Cannes, but Abel Ferrara’s “Welcome to New York”, based on the sex scandals and legal battles of French...

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