Another Drug for Male Sexual Dysfunction

Do you know the expression: A bad day fishing is better than a good day at the office? Our reader said that it came to mind...

German Fair Play

Marquel was eating his cake and selling it too, when he read Greece Might Be Better Off Outside Eurozone, German Finance Minister Says. Merkel...

Trump and the Terrorists Speaking the Same Language – Chaos

Recently TPV hosted a few scholars with money to vacation in NYC and had a discussion about Trump and terrorists. Terrorists may take a four...

Gitlin’s Take on George Orwell on Sean Spicer

First published here: George Orwell on Sean Spicer A note on the uses of stupefaction. BY TODD GITLIN | JUNE 2, 2017 The Trumps’ nine-day journey outside the...

Nolan’s Dunkirk through the Eyes of a Father and Son

Dana Neacsu (friend of the Father): How did you experience Nolan's Dunkirk? Calin Georgescu (Father): From Bucharest, naturally, I viewed Dunkirk in Romanian, so to...

Arab spring has created ‘intelligence disaster’, warns former CIA boss

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Etiam quis varius risus, in cursus sem. Morbi ac felis fringilla lorem rhoncus vehicula. Integer imperdiet vestibulum mi, aliquam gravida ligula condimentum at.

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