Suha’s Deal

Suha used to be a 20-something blond-died woman of little consequence until mid 1990s when she accepted to deliver Yasser Arafat, then the leader...

TheWeekholeView: The perennial value of the clinton. An email. A joke. A Wannabe

At TPV the week starts one day and ends six or seven days later, and here is what fell through the hole this last week: On...

Managing Defectors’ Memories

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Liars Section correspondent, was writing emails to imbeciles, when he read Prominent North Korean Defector Recants Parts of His Story. Shin Dong-hyuk became...

Guess Who’s Teaching the Dangers of Sexual Misconduct? The Cop, the Aggressor, or the...

Guess Who's Teaching the Dangers of Sexual Misconduct? The Cop, the Aggressor, or the Innocent Victim? Of course, the aggressor, because he is the...


Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Former and Future Banana Republic Section correspondent, was window shopping at Pink Pussycat on 4th Street in the Village, when a...

Madonna Pays to be Watched

Madonna was a cute girl and everybody loved her thirty years ago. She had money then, and now, she has even more. When she...

TPV Congratulates Putin on the Elimination of Boris

TPV would like to assert its allegiance to Putin and make sure that he understands whenever we criticize him is with the greatest affection....

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