Mayday Mayday: A SuperPAC to end all SuperPACs

From our email inbox to our readers: Here's the exciting news: We all know this democracy is in distress. It's time to send an urgent...

Looking or Fishing for Love?

"If you are looking for love, you need heavy artillery: Ak 57, M46..." -Migrant Homeless,  while resting in the 2nd Avenue Subway Station, NYC, on...

Harvard Social Psychologist Be Aware: Pompous Takes Highfalutin

People sized up Trump in seconds, and decided the he was their best bet against the Clinton's empire, behaving against all expectations, especially those...

The Sporting Life

"Everything that has been dreamt on this side of the Atlantic has a chance of being realized on the other. They build the real...

The Best Is Still to Come

Marquel, TPVs NYTimes Money, Aside From Hillary, Is The Root Of All Problems Section correspondent was uncomfortably happy because he had just been nominated...

Wishing Our Readers a Happier New Year!

Dear Readers: This year is on its very last legs and, between us, I'm happy to see it go.  It gave us a second presidential...

Donald’s Gut Makes Decisions

Mr. Trump will announce his vice-presidential selection soon, the New York Times informs its readers. Mr Trump's decision will be surprising but not really. ...
Rodney and Mark

Respect and No Respect

I get no respect. The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest. -Rodney Dangerfield When people do not respect...
Madison and Santorum

The Promise of Public Education in 1822 and 2012

"The liberal appropriations made by the Legislature of Kentucky for a general system of Education cannot be too much applauded. A popular Government, without...
garbo and coward

Loveable Divas

Life is one long extravaganza. - Noel Coward As finish I must tell you that what I really would like to tell you I haven't told...

Take Your Dog to School (Every) Day

Marquel TPVs NYTimes Service Animals and Seeing Eye Snakes Section correspondent, was snoring comfortably when he had a nightmare and read Campuses Debate Rising...

La Femme et Son Image

MoMA brought to our attention Cindy Sherman's work this year, but what the New York's modern art crown jewel should also do is bring...

The Non-Misquote

I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book. ―...

Happy Hanukkah from the White House and TPV

THE WHITE HOUSE A Real Festival of Lights: Hanukkah at the White House 2014/5775On Wednesday, December 17, the President and Mrs. Obama welcomed...

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