Frozen Assets

New York is not much fun for the slow minded, especially at a time of depression, such as ours. Take the New York Public Library,...

How Memorial Day Has Become the Day of the Jobless

Day in and day out, media of all types deliver the same message: war is a global business the United States dominates. This Memorial Day...

Detainees at Afghanistan’s largest U.S.-built prison chose to stay in and watch Mad Men...

 The U.S. spent $60 million to construct a state of the art prison able to house 2000 Afghani detainees. This is the U.S. Army’s...

The French Thinker of the Moment – Mme Lagarde

Unable to fix Europe’s financial crisis caused by one currency, the euro, for multiple economic levels, Christine Lagarde told the Greeks this weekend that...

NY Times: In an Unprecedented Move Congress Apologizes to Wall Street for Having Let...

Sen. Leech (R-Wall Street) shared with our Washington, D.C., correspondent his thoughts about the treachery of speculating with money people voluntarily deposit in banks. There...

The Wall Street Journal: Ina Drew the Most Recent Icon of Successful Corporate Feminism

According to the print version of The Wall Street Journal, feminists are applauding Ina Drew’s amazing gesture of offering to step aside rather than...

The New York Times: Yesterday a “fraise des bois,” Today a President

Francois Hollande wins the French Presidency, ... and Carla serves Sarko with papers (which are not billet d'amour, thepothole correspondent tells us). read more

Our Political Conversation

It is a bad time for political conversation if all that the brightest commentators can do is point out trivial non sequiturs. Or, probably...

Why I like John?

All reasons mentioned below still standing, here is the main reason I like John: Johnny Edwards did something usually reserved to God. JE exposed the...

America Does Not Need an Arab Spring, Mr. Friedman. It Needs a Leader.

Yesterday, the often mistaken Thomas L. Friedman of New York Times raised an interesting question “Does America need an Arab Spring?” True to himself,...

L.A.Times & N.Y. Times: Why We Should Stay Indebted to the Chinese (Banks)

Our patriotic duty is to support our troops when they maim the Afghani tribe members the current Afghani police force dislike (yes, what the...

Conceding Defeat

The Democrats have no leadership role anymore in American politics. Like much hyped-up bands marketed to seem independent, think The Monkeys or, surprise, surprise,...

Where Obama Failed DOE Succeeded: NYC Standardized Tests Have Reached Post-partisanship (AKA, Idiocy)

In light of the 50 banned words by the NYC Department of Education (DOE), Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, for example, would be changed for the...

Government Relaxes Rules on Reading Emails and other Tweets

Reading about the government relaxation of the rules on the use of private information, I sighed and wondered how much more relaxation can they...

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